
How to wear: Polka dot tights

(You can buy it here)

I am looking for polka dot tights so that I can wear dresses/skirts/shorts in the winter. I've decided to brainstorm 3 ways to wear it so that when I do buy the tights, I have a basic idea of what I will wear with it.

Polka Dot tights
Outfit details found here

1. I started out with scalloped shorts (also on my want list) and a sheer lace top. To balance out all the girliness of this outfit, I added a military inspired vest and black biker boots.
2.I decided to do some print mixing and put the polka dot tights with a floral skirt (on my want list) and a chunky sweater. To toughen it up a little more, I added a studded layered necklace.
3. This third look consists of an oversize blazer, which I love! I haven't worn a blazer on my blog yet but I will soon, after the rain goes away. I paired it with the heels because I wanted to add some color other than black.

       I haven't posted any outfit pictures because of the rain. Oh well, I like rain, it smells so nice :)


  1. Nice outfits! I particularly like the one with the grey jumper

  2. your stockings are gorgeous!!! Beautiful legs:)

    Come follow my blog hun!

  3. Polka dots tights are lovely! Unfortunately for me, they are rapidly broken..


  4. Ah! I'm into polka dots on nearly anything! So cute.
    P.S., thanks for the follow!

  5. I'm also into polka dot tights this season! wore them for my new post :))

  6. I love polka dot tights. They would great with the scalloped shorts. Great styling.



  7. Pretty ! Come to see my page and if you like it follow me !


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